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Mind Migration
Consciousness awakening and Energy Healing 

Mind migration is here to assist on the awakening consciousness of humanity. People have lots of questions about what is going on in the world today and each person’s journey is slowly revealing certain truths to themselves – the universe only allows us to see what we are ready for but sometimes we are not paying enough attention and the universe triggers certain events, accidents, trauma, or illness to make us wake up. We are here to try and help fast track some of the journey for those who are ready. There is no coincidence- everything happens for a reason.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique

What is QHHT – it is connecting to your deepest subconscious, higher self, over soul whatever you want to call it – through a hypnosis technique this is where Deep healing is allowed to take place. Could be influence of past life or current life trauma – essential to get to the source of the problem.

We Work in the energy fields – everything is made up of certain frequency and vibrations, including us, we want to tap into trapped emotions, past life, and current life trauma to get permanent healing and the best place to connect to that is the deep subconscious. This is where the hypnosis technique has proved to be brilliant.

My journey began years ago into the energy consciousness, having experienced different modalities of healing myself, the hypnosis resonated with me the most.

Having practiced simple quantum healing which, we can do online and remote energy healing with star magic group from America – I still prefer one on one personal healing sessions. Although these sessions take time – if done properly only one session is ever required.

I have completed my course work and currently practicing completing my practitioner’s level. I have experienced a great number of journeys with people- it’s been an amazing journey and it never ceases to amaze me. I am still looking for more volunteers to help me complete my practitioner’s level 1

My name is Jenny Evans, born and bred in Zimbabwe, Africa.  Having spent my entire life here, the country and its people are at the centre of my heart, Throughout the turmoil of economic hardship, broken and separated families, poorest of healthcare and education, I have remained positive that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and when we reach that light, I will be at the forefront to help my people and my country recover. 


Welcome to the next exciting chapter of your life, you have probably ended up here by no chance. I look forward to meeting you.

Inspired by the unexplained recovery of patients

in his own practice who had been given just a few months to live, Dr. Chopra began his search for answers. After returning to his native India to explore humanity’s most ancient healing tradition, Ayurveda, he combined those insights with Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics. What he discovered—a “network of intelligence” in the human body with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, even aging itself—forms the basis of Quantum Healing

When I did the Mind Migration/Quantum Healing with Jen, I certainly was not expecting to “go to” the places I went to. It was absolutely amazing and life-changing. Before the session, there were certain areas of my lifethat had me feeling stuck and even as a Life-Coach myself, I was struggling to work through them. This AMAZING session with Jen helped me to see clearly the mental, emotional and spiritual blocks that had me stagnant, holding myself back from financial freedom and stuck in a quiet underlying fear that I could not clearly identify until that day. This session showed me how I needed to forgive and to believe in myself as a powerful earner in my own right! In the months since then, so many things have changed for the better and I know that it is as a result of the clarity I gained, the forgiveness I embraced and indeed the new and improved instructions that I could give my own mind!

Thanks Jen, you are amazing! I felt so safe and peaceful with you and I will definitely be looking to do another session sometime in the future!

Fiona Burdett

FIFO Coaching